The Pricey Yes

I have been provoked by what it means to surrender to God and haven’t been able to shake the feeling off as I sense God calling me into this new territory. Like you, I have listened to countless sermons and sang hymns about surrender, and for a very long time, I believed I had nailed this surrender thing down, but God burst my bubbles when He exposed me to this concept of surrender. I realised that I love my comfortable life, and unlike the people of old, I unashamedly admit that I will be hesitant to let go of stuff if it comes to asking.


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Peace, Perfect Peace!

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT.

It was in the year 1875 when Edward H Bickersteth heard a sermon on the verse above. That same afternoon, he visited an elderly dying relative who seemed troubled. He wrote the words of this hymn as a source of comfort for his relative. Today as I also ponder over this profound verse in Isaiah 26, I can’t help but reconcile our current world with the questions asked in this hymn. I asked myself these questions too. What is perfect peace? What does it take for us to get it?


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One day at a time

With lock-down rearing its end, matched with the uncertainty of a second wave, I asked God what He wanted to say to His children, and all I got was a “one day at a time”. So on a Sunday afternoon with my house buzzing with excitement about our pending holiday, I felt strongly to pause and write to you to encourage you to take it a day at a time.


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